Experience outback life on a cattle station - Myella farmstay is personal and relaxing





Alwyn Torenbeek

Alwyn has been a great influence at Myella and Lyn. He comes out with the funniest sayings like...."I feel like a bundle of backward somersaults." or "I always wanted to be an Afghan boundary rider."

Alwyn grew up at Myella and is a great friend and has some great stories of people he's met and the things he's seen and done. He is a very intelligent man who has an insatiable love of life and adventure - which of course has got him into trouble some times...but oh well what is life about anyway.

 Alwyn Has completed his book

"A life in the saddle; Adventure of 
Legendary Horseman, the Kokotunga Kid"

Author Alwyn Torenbeek
Author David Gilchrist

Click here for details

Luke Torenbeek and his grandfather Alwyn Torenbeek at the State Championships at Imbil 

Both Alwyn and Luke competed successfully and these shots were taken the
next morning, when Belyando and Luke were enjoying a few quiet moments together.

Newspaper clipping 

My Home by Gwenda Caves 



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